What Millennials, Startups and the Future of Civilization Have in Common

Grant Stephens
3 min readApr 7, 2016

The days of working 9 to 5 in a job hoping for a promotion or big year end bonus are over. We, the millennials, want more.

I’m currently on my 3rd job in less than 3 years after graduating- why do I keep moving on? It comes down to a simple reason- the world has excelled at satisfying my every need, be it consumeristic same day delivery items to being able to identify and call myself poly(Polyamory) if I should so fancy.

The world has fallen short in terms of my working life.

Where my parents were contempt to work at something that they didn’t really enjoy but brought enough money to get by and retire comfortably, I expect something completely different.

If I’m going to spend a considerable amount of time on something it has to be more than just something to get by. My parents proved that this is possible and now it is my turn to make a mark, to improve on what they’ve achieved and to leave the world an even better place.

“…being bold is kinda what being a millennial is all about…”

I believe that this explains a lot in the world right now and whilst the following might be bold claims, being bold is kinda what being a millennial is all about. The world is currently in a manufacturing slowdown, this is mainly measured as far as I can tell from the manufacturing data from China and the resources output from the rest of the world. Coupled with this there is a startup starting wherever you look. Couple these together and I get to a point where I don’t know if the manufacturing is going to pick up again. Are the massive big construction projects that need all the iron ore going to be needed. With people being able to work from home- the need for infrastructure in cities diminishes as people don’t need the new trail line to get to work.

“…the world may just stagnate…”

We have seen a period of massive economic growth to get us to this point where the world has never been as educated as it is or as big- I think we’re at a point (or very close to) where the world may just stagnate.

Circle this back to millennials and jobs- I think on some level we know that the world cannot continue on the path it is on and so even if we do stagnate there are some drastic changes that need to be made in order for the continued state of earth to successfully sustain life (And not just human life).

So why all the startups? Well there are two ways to ensure the future well being of the earth. One is to make google amounts of money by choosing the right startup and the other is to do something that has a direct impact on the future, be it teaching, research or active (Political or otherwise).

Now most of what you just read was thought up whilst I typed this out and so the backing for a lot of it may be flimsy to say the least, however I do firmly believe in the general premise that the way millennials see jobs and their work life. It is fundamentally different to the previous generation and this is shaping the world we live in right now and if I am correct shaping a better future world for future generations.

“…shaping a better future world for future generations.”

